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기본연구 아시아지역 홍수 회복력 분석 및 국내 평가지표 개발 연구

Executive Summary
1. Introduction
1.1 Flood risks under climate change
1.2 Objectives of the study
1.3 Concept and content

2. Analysis of Flood Resilience in Asia
2.1 Current trends and active projects
2.2 Case study 1: Community flood resilience
2.3 Case study 2: Scale-based flood resilience index
2.4 Implications

3. Assessment of Flood Resilience in Selected Asian Countries
3.1 Flood-prone countries and urban resilience
3.2 Case study: Flood resilience assessment in selected countries
3.3 Governance of floods and disasters
3.4 SWOT analysis of flood resilience policies

4. Building National Flood Resilience Indicators
4.1 Selection of flood resilience indicators
4.2 Selection of pilot areas
4.3 Data collection

5. Evaluating and strengthening flood Resilience
5.1 Analysis of flood resilience indicators
5.2 Multicollinearity and AHP analysis
5.3 Direction of flood resilience improvement efforts

6. Conclusion


Executive Summary in Korean