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발간물 > 정기간행물 > KEI Environment Forum 목록
- 선택
- 번호
- 제목
- 발간일
- 조회수
- 첨부파일
- 15
- [KEI Environment Forum] Vol.4 No.4 "Principles and Direction of the Smart Green New Deal in an Aquatic and Terrestrial Environment"
- 2020-12-31
- 3006
- 첨부파일
- 14
- [KEI Environment Forum] Vol.4 No.3 "Assessing the Health Effects of PM2.5 Constituents for Establishing the Health Risk Reduction Management Plan"
- 2020-09-30
- 2085
- 첨부파일
- 13
- [KEI Environment Forum] Vol.4 No.2 "Performance Evaluation of ETS Implementation from the Perspective of National Greenhouse Gas Reduction Linkage"
- 2020-06-30
- 2189
- 첨부파일
- 12
- [KEI Environment Forum] Vol.4 No.1 "Environmental Risk Communication Policy: Focusing on the risk of climate change"
- 2020-04-06
- 2265
- 첨부파일
- 11
- [KEI Environment Forum] Vol.3 No.4 "Measures to Improve the Chemical Accident Prevention System under the 「Chemicals Control Act」"
- 2019-12-31
- 2150
- 첨부파일
- 10
- [KEI Environment Forum] Vol.3 No.3 "The Framework, Policy Directions, and Policy Tasks for Climate Risk Management"
- 2019-10-17
- 2178
- 첨부파일
- 9
- [KEI Environment Forum] Vol.3 No.2 "A Study on the Current Status of Bird Collisions with Manmade Structures in Korea and Improving Reduction Methods and Environmental Impact Assessment"
- 2019-07-23
- 2473
- 첨부파일
- 8
- [KEI Environment Forum] Vol.3 No.1 "Ecological Impacts of Night-time Lighting on Terrestrial Insects and a Field Survey Guideline for Environmental Impact Assessment"
- 2019-05-30
- 1941
- 첨부파일
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