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Environment Sustainability in Asia: Vietnam
  • Name관리자
  • Date2018-02-05 00:00
  • View2091

Environment Sustainability in Asia: Vietnam 사진1


Environment Sustainability in Asia: Vietnam >


The Environmental Sustainability in Asia publication series, published by the Korea Environment Institute (KEI), demonstrates a comprehensive picture of the progress, challenges and opportunities of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) implementation in the Asian countries.

Environment Sustainability in Asia: Vietnam focuses on the country of Vietnam. Vietnam is considered a development success country as it has transformed from being one of the poorest nations in the world to a middle-income country after two decades of rapid economic growth. Amid such rapid economic growth, Vietnam is facing significant challenges which can severely compromise the country’s sustainable development (UNDP Vietnam). In response, Vietnam has made significant commitments providing potentials to bypass to smarter solutions for resilient development. KEI recognizes experience sharing can be an effective development cooperation tool for its neighboring developing countries to fulfill their commitments to the international community and contributing responsibly to global efforts for sustainable development. By focusing on the experiences of the Vietnamese government, international organizations, international development agencies, and think tanks, the Environmental Sustainability in Asia Publication Series aim to project the benefits of experience into future actions and institutional commitments to better understanding effective actions in achieving the SDGs in the developing countries in Asia.