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Climate Change Policy Research
Analysis on the Establishment of Strategies for Flood Risk Evaluation and Flood Defense Criteria against Climate Change (Ⅱ)
Ⅰ. Introduction
1. Problems caused by climate change
ㅇClimate change refers to changes in climate detected over a period of more than ten years. It causes extreme disasters along with extreme climate phenomena beyond the conventional scale and return period of natural disasters. Such extreme weather events have increased the frequency of flooding.
ㅇThe occurrence of abnormal torrential rain along with climate change has increased the frequency of disasters that exceed the design capacity of social infrastructure facilities, thereby increasing the damage scale. In South Korea, flood damage has also increased due to local heavy rainfall and abnormal torrential rain influenced by climate change.
ㅇDue to the seasonal characteristics of summer, the flood control capabilities of major water resource facilities, such as rivers, reservoirs, and dams, have been frequently exceeded.
ㅇFlood disasters cause secondary damages, such as social, economic, and environmental damage. Flood damage to the safety of essential infrastructure for urban production and living (e.g., electricity, gas, and water), as well as major infrastructure facilities (e.g., roads and subways), paralyzes urban functions and weakens social systems.

2. Necessity and purpose of research
o Necessity of research
ㅇ Along with climate change, the frequency of extreme and unusual floods, such as those causing the collapse of river banks, has increased. This flood damage tendency suggests that it is imperative to revise