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Climate Change Policy Research
Research on Monitoring and Evaluation System for Climate Change Adaption Policy in Korea
1. Introduction
ㅇ The goal of this study is to review the evaluation system and experience in Korea. It presents an overview of the establishment and implementation of climate change adaptation policies (Chapter 2), the institutional status for monitoring and evaluation of adaptation policies (Chapter 3), and the use of indicators used for evaluating climate change implementation by the national and local governments (Chapter 4). It concludes with policy suggestions (Chapter 5) on the direction for the improvement of measuring progress for Korea's climate change adaptation policy.

2. Adaptation Policy Context
o Roles and responsibilities
ㅇ The Ministry of Environment (MoE) in ROK is the ministry in charge of the country's climate change adaptation policy. It is responsible for decision-making and public affairs regarding the overall climate change adaptation policy covered by the Framework Act.
ㅇ 17 metropolitan/provincial governments (metropolitan cities/provinces) and 226 basic local governments (si/gun/gu) establish and implement Local Adaptation Plans (LAPs) for a five-year plan period in accordance with the Framework Act. In addition to this, they must implement a “local climate change response project” to prevent the adverse effects of climate change.

o Adaptation policies in Korea
ㅇ With the enactment of the oFramework Act on Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth For Coping With Climate Crisiso (Act No. 18469, Framework Act), the establishment of National Adaptation