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Climate Change Policy Research
A Study on the Advancement of Environmental Assessment to Evaluate the Adequacy of Waste Treatment Facilities(II)
Ⅰ. Background and Aims of Research
o Prohibition of direct landfilling of household waste
ㅇ In Korea, direct landfilling of domestic waste in the metropolitan area is prohibited from 2026, and direct landfilling is prohibited outside the metropolitan area from 2030, and it ends when the expansion of household treatment facilities is actually needed. Therefore, it is necessary to review the economic feasibility of each local government nationwide. In addition, it is possible to directly affect changes in the amount of household waste such as urban development plans and tourism complex development plans, or to process and enable the operation of waste treatment facilities in local governments written in the plan, and the waste treatment department anticipates the amount of waste generated for weight and should be reviewed.

o Savings between regions in industrial waste treatment facilities
ㅇ Unlike domestic waste, business waste, which is subject to treatment at the business site, is outside the source, so waste treatment facilities can be installed and treated nationwide. Because of that, business waste disposal facilities are more likely to occur later due to the contrast increase in money transport routes due to the increased environmental impact to specific regions as savings deepen nationwide. Therefore, although factory waste is discharged from the principle of disposal at the place of occurrence, the treatment area is set, and the waste treatment facility is not concentr