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Project Reports
A study on decision-making of air policies in China and implication of cooperation between Korea and China
Ⅰ. Introduction
1. Aims of this study
o The purpose of this study is to roughly understand the air pollution policy decision-making process at the central government level in China.
ㅇ More attention is being paid to the structure of China’s air pollution policy decision-making as fine dust is an issue currently being discussed between Korea, China, and Japan.
ㅇ As such, there is a growing need to find out about its structure and process.
ㅇ This study will examine the overall structure of China’s air pollution policy decision-making process, based on previous studies conducted on China’s policy decision-making processes in other fields, with the focus on identifying the key players.

2. Study content and process
o Although the academic world has much interest in China’s policy decision-making, relatively few studies have been conducted on the subject, as much of the structure and process remains hazy.
ㅇ Previous studies mostly analyze China’s policy-making process in the fields of foreign policy and the economy.
ㅇ No previous studies have earnestly dealt with China’s air management policy-making.
ㅇ Some previous studies discussed certain Chinese air management policies, but these studies lacked an understanding of the unique characteristics of the Chinese political system and simply enumerated agencies in the administrative system of related departments in the central government.

o This study analyzed the air policy decision-making by the central government in the following