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- No
- Category
- Title
- Author
- Date
- 1320
- Working Papers
- Basic research for improving data utilization in environmental policy research
- Jin, Daeyong
- 2019-12-20
- 1319
- Working Papers
- Management plans of micro-plastic from landfill : focusing on leachate sources
- Ji, Minkyu
- 2019-12-20
- 1318
- Working Papers
- Trend on the policy-oriented utilization of material flow analysis for the circular economy society
- Ju, Munsol
- 2019-12-20
- 1317
- Working Papers
- Valuing air pollution using the life satisfaction approach
- Jeon, Hocheol
- 2019-12-20
- 1316
- Working Papers
- Reviewing feasibility of applying of drones and BIM in environment impact assessment
- Ryu, Jaejin
- 2019-12-20
- 1315
- Working Papers
- Basic research for rational allocation of water resources
- Seo, Seungbeom
- 2019-12-20
- 1314
- Working Papers
- Establishment of appropriate terrain change criteria for linear transportation project
- Kwon, Sunyong
- 2019-12-20
- 1313
- Research Reports
- Environmental enhancement of small sized incineration facilities through environmental impact assessment
- Lee, Youngjoon
- 2019-10-31
- 1312
- Research Reports
- A study on enhancing social acceptance of environmental policies : focusing on environmental culture
- Cho, Kongjang
- 2019-10-31
- 1311
- Research Reports
- Rearrangement of the roles of central and Local governments towards strengthening local environmental administrative functions in the era of decentralization
- Chung, Woo Hyun
- 2019-10-31