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Working Papers
Carbon neutrality policy research(Ⅱ)
The "NRC Carbon Neutrality Research Team" of the Economic and Humanities and Social Sciences Research Society, established in June 2021, conducts research with the aim of promoting social discourse, policy proposals for achieving national carbon neutrality, policy impact analysis, and policy implementation evaluation. In the first year ('21-'22), the research team presented current issues, policy directions, and alternatives for each sector in achieving carbon neutrality. The main research themes and objectives for the second year ('22-'23) are composed of the following two aspects. First, as a fundamental national task for implementing carbon neutrality, it involves research on the normalization and activation of the energy and carbon markets. It aims to analyze the factors for activating each sector and inter-sector markets and propose innovative approaches. Second, as a pilot research considering the role of a medium- to long-term research team, it focuses on policy implementation evaluation of NDC and carbon neutrality. The research objective is to prepare the research team to monitor, evaluate, and improve the implementation of national carbon neutrality policies in the future.
Key improvements for stabilizing and activating the electricity market include strengthening the linkages in the wholesale and retail markets and enhancing the electricity trading system that aligns with the expansion of renewable energy generation. Institutional improvements, such as relevant leg