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Working Papers
Land Management Measures for Achieving Carbon Neutrality : Focusing on Land Use Changes and Environmental Welfare of Vegetation
Ⅰ. Background and Purpose of the Study
1. Background and purpose
o As global climate change intensifies, the urgency of achieving carbon neutrality through urgent greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction and sinks are emerging.
ㅇ Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Paris Agreement was established and a global goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 was set. As a result, every country is participating in efforts to reduce GHG emissions.
ㅇ The Republic of Korea, one of the biggest GHG emitters, has presented its national GHGs reduction target twice.
- Korea has presented the national greenhouse gas reduction target of 40%. Therefore, urgent efforts to achieve carbon neutrality are needed to not only reduce GHG emissions but also enhance natural carbon sinks.

o Although achieving carbon neutrality is urgent in Korea, land-based sinks have been damaged due to changes in land use, including urbanization and the development of renewable energy complexes. Therefore, making wise decisions regarding land use that can respond to climate change is required.
ㅇ In Korea, due to development-oriented policies, the areas of land use types such as forest and wetland, which are important for GHG sinks, have continuously decreased.
ㅇ The natural ecosystems that act as sinks contribute to environmental welfare by buffering against climate and natural disasters, absorbing air pollution, and promoting biodiversity.
ㅇ This study aims to identify policy measures that promote land-based carbon sinks, which can contribute to achieving carbon neutrality.

2. Res