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All 209. Page 1/21
- No
- Category
- Title
- Author
- Date
- 209
- Working Papers
- Analysis of Korea’s International Environmental Policy Development and related KEI Research over 30 Years
- Chu, Jangmin
- 2023-12-13
- 208
- Working Papers
- Historical Change, Outlook and Future Task of Korean Soil Policy
- Hwang, Sang-il
- 2023-12-13
- 207
- Working Papers
- Basic Research to Develop Sediment Management Measures for Combined Sewer Pipes
- Lee, Seungsoo
- 2023-12-13
- 206
- Working Papers
- Research on International Trends in the Reorganization of Renewable Energy Permit Regulations
- Seo, Eunju
- 2023-12-13
- 205
- Working Papers
- Preliminary Research on the Development of a Bottom-Up Model for the Road Transportation Sector for Carbon Neutrality and Air Pollution
- Lee, Jeongeun
- 2023-12-13
- 204
- Working Papers
- Research on Global Regulatory Trends of Persistent Organic Pollutant (POPs) to Strengthen Its Risk Management Strategy in Korea
- Yunsun Jeong
- 2023-12-13
- 203
- Working Papers
- Introducing Approaches for Reflecting Distributive Justice Regarding Climate-Vulnerable Populations : A Focus on Urban Ecosystem Services
- Kim, Yoonjung
- 2023-12-13
- 202
- Working Papers
- Response Strategy and Medium- to Long-term Research Roadmap for the National Agenda in the Environmental Sector: 2023-2027
- Choi, Hee-Sun
- 2023-03-31
- 201
- Working Papers
- Achievement Analysis of Health Impact Assessment of Industrial Complexes
- Kang, Eugene
- 2022-12-12
- 200
- Working Papers
- A Study on the Relation between KEI Research and the Development of Water Environment Policy in Korea
- Lee, Byung-Kook
- 2022-12-12