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Issue Studies
A Study on Climate Risk and Adaptation Assessment System to Prepare Mid- to Long-term Adaptation Strategies (Ⅱ)
Ⅰ. Introduction
1. Background and purpose of the research
ㅇThe economic costs have increased due to the increase in abnormal climate phenomena around the world, and achieving carbon neutrality will also result in significant losses due to climate change impacts exceeding the specified emissions of the carbon budget, for humans and nature beyond the threshold of resilience.
ㅇWithout an accurate assessment of the current level of risk and risk management objectives, it could result in maladaptation, which is expected to cause more damage to the vulnerable.
ㅇEfforts are underway to identify policy limitations and causes to avoid maladaptation and to come up with broad and comprehensive adaptation strategies, but research needs to be expanded to support climate risk management and climate adaptation decision-making.
ㅇClear information and knowledge on adaptation should be provided for decision-making and resource allocation in rational climate adaptation. This should be preceded by the establishment of a scientific policy evaluation plan and a platform to share evaluation results along with relevant information.

ㅇFollowing the first-year study (Jung et al., 2022), we intend to support the preparation of mid- to long-term adaptation strategies in response to climate risk by developing climate risk and adaptation evaluation systems capable of assessing climate risks and promptly reviewing the effects of adaptation measures.

2. Research content and scheme