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Issue Studies
Study on the Transformation of National Carbon Sinks Using a Data-Driven Approach
Ⅰ. Research Background and Purpose
1. Research Purpose and Necessity
oThe increasing severity of the climate crisis and the need for an efficient response by the international community
ㅇBy adopting the Paris Agreement at the 21st Conference of the Parties held in Paris in 2015, our country submitted the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) for national greenhouse gas reduction targets, responding to the global trend.
ㅇFor the GHG inventory related to carbon sinks, the Land Use, Land-use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) provided by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is used as a guideline, but in reality, it is difficult to spatially classify, express, and survey categories based on the LULUCF.
ㅇAccordingly, in this study, above all, it is necessary to strengthen the data-driven scientific basis by determining the status of S. Korea's carbon sinks, especially the data-centered status, and organizing the implications.

2. Research Scope
oConducting basic research on the scientific advancement of data-driven carbon sink estimation for achieving carbon neutrality, and on the improvement of laws and systems for its implementation
ㅇFor an analysis of international carbon sinks, examine the status of each country and that of the data, including the statistics and spatial data used, and then derive improvement measures that reflect South Korea’s technological status.
ㅇAs an approach to improving existing data on carbon sinks that have been utilized, use, process, a