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Issue Studies
Examining the Use of Energy Storage Systems and Sector Coupling to Mitigate Fluctuations in Renewable Energy: Emphasizing Electric Vehicle Implementations
Ⅰ. Background and Aims of the Research
oIt is crucial to expand renewable energy and to address its volatility in order to mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG)
ㅇThe domestic 2030 Nationally Determined Contribution(NDC) target aims for 21.5% of electricity supply from renewable sources, emphasizing the need to address power fluctuations due to the growth of solar and wind energy generation.
ㅇEven at the current level of renewable energy, increased springtime solar power generation has caused nuclear energy shutdowns in Jeonnam, while Jeju has encountered 64 instances of output restrictions in 2021 due to the surge in solar and wind power generation, resulting in a reduction of 12 GWh.

oTo address renewable energy volatility, Energy Storage Systems (ESS) and sector coupling have been proposed
ㅇESS serves as a tool for managing renewable energy volatility but entails high costs. Long-term strategies involve integration with the power grid, flexibility in responding to power sources, and employing sector coupling methods.
ㅇAmong sector coupling techniques, Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G), utilizing Electric Vehicles (EV), contributes to GHG reduction in the transportation sector through electrification and enhances GHG mitigation efficiency.
- By technically interconnecting the generation of renewable energy with EV charging, and by feeding back stored electricity from EVs during peak power demand, it can contribute to the stabilization of the power system.

o This study proposes cost-effective