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Issue Studies
Development of an Integrated Disease-Ecology Assessment System(II)
Ⅰ. Background and Aims of Research
1. Background
o The inflow of infectious diseases via wildlife has continued in Korea, and though the national response strategy has been rapidly established, policy options for fundamental problem-solving are somewhat insufficient

o For wildlife-borne infectious diseases, it is necessary to approach them from two main perspectives:
ㅇ Preparation of measures to mitigate risks to human health due to disease and the associated economic impact of disease in domesticated animals
ㅇ Policy changes are also required to maintain the health of the ecosystem itself because of wildlife-mediated infectious diseases

2. Purpose of the research
o As a foundation study for the establishment of an integrated disease- ecological evaluation system for the prevention of infectious diseases. It was conducted to derive factors for establishing biodiversity and ecological infrastructure in developing an inflow-proliferation-response policy focusing on cases of avian influenza
ㅇ Using spatial information, such as migratory bird shelters and poultry facilities subject to disease, factors necessary for establishing a prediction system for disease spread through changes in biodiversity and land cover
ㅇ Development of a biodiversity evaluation system and index, and the establishment of an integrated evaluation system to prepare a system for tracking domestic spread based on biodiversity and natural ecology as a precautionary measure

Ⅱ. Status of inflow and spread of wild animal-borne diseases in Korea: Focusing on avian influenza
o To minimize the public health r