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Issue Studies
A Study on Strategies to Achieve Zero Pollution for the Implementation of the Green New Deal (I)
Ⅰ. Background and Purpose of Research
o To cope with rapid environmental and socioeconomic changes such as the climate crisis and pandemic outbreaks, chemical substance and pollution management systems are being transformed around the EU to ensure safety and sustainability.
ㅇ Therefore, we aim to establish a new safe and sustainable chemical (hereinafter referred to as the “SSC”) management system to respond to such rapid changes in Korea and propose that a link be established between the newly developed chemical substance management system and pollution reduction system by medium.
ㅇ In the first-year study, we analyzed existing policies and the current state of SSC management approaches, and based on this, we examined potential directions for domestic policies and effective policy targets.

Ⅱ. Current Status of SSC Management Policies for a Zero-Pollution Society
o Status of foreign policies
ㅇ In the case of the EU Green Deal, “achieving zero pollution” was selected as a key goal, and detailed strategies and annual implementation items were established for chemical substance management, industrial facility and emission management, and environmental pollution control.
ㅇ In particular, the EU has established the Sustainable Chemical Strategy separately to support Green Deal objectives in the chemical sector and is promoting policies accordingly.

o Status of domestic policies
ㅇ In the Korean New Deal 2.0, content pertaining to chemical management is scattered across projects