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Issue Studies
Development of ecoinformatics biodiversity assessment tools (Ⅱ) : utilization of biodiversity map in policy making
Ⅰ. Background and Aims of Research
1. Necessity and Purpose of Research
o Continuing efforts to ensure the implementation of the 4th National Biological Diversity Strategy (’19~’23) for the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity and the access and sharing of benefits of biological genetic resources are carried out.
ㅇ Investment of more than 1 trillion won per year from eight ministries and three offices during the 3rd National Biological Diversity Strategy period
- Annual investment in ‘sustainable use of biodiversity’ is the highest (more than 50%).
- Investment in ‘mainstreaming of biodiversity’ in 2018 increased by 130% compared to 2014, which is the sharpest increase.
ㅇ The 3rd National Biodiversity Strategy contributes to reflecting the value of biodiversity in legal plans in various fields, including forests and oceans, and promotes mainstreaming in government departments and expanding investment in ecological services and establishing national strategies.

o The lack of quantitative assessment of biodiversity led to the lack of organic cooperation systems due to diversified policies and systems and poor performance in enhancing fundamental biodiversity.
ㅇ For the National Ecosystem Survey which is the basis for the biodiversity assessment in Korea, more than 6.25 billion won was spent from the business budget from 1986 to 2015.
- The current status of biodiversity in the Ecosystem and Nature Maps, which grade the natural environment, and its use for policy purposes as an indicato