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Research Reports
Urban climate resilience : operationalization and evaluation(Ⅱ)
This study aimed to construct a framework to assess urban climate resilience by developing and applying indicators and indices to measure it. We conducted the study over a two-year period. In the second year, we gauged urban climate resilience based on the results of the first year, which provided the theoretical framework and indicators for determining urban climate resilience according to each urban function (there are four in total). The measurement is composed of two parts (indicators and indices) and we carried it out in order to target domestic municipalities.
First, we shall discuss applying the indicators. In the first year, we distinguished between the four urban functions and set indicators for short, mid, and long-term resilience. Over the two years, in order to utilize the evaluation indicator for municipalities, we reexamined currently available statistical data, and reconstructed the indicators based on this. However, data are limited in terms of medium and long-term changes. Therefore, in this study, we assessed urban resilience by comparing the resilience of municipalities in 2000, 2005, and 2010 in terms of short-term resilience. The process for grasping the current circumstances of urban climate resilience is composed of three steps. This is the same as the process for comparing it in 2000, 2005, and 2010. First, we employed confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), a method for deriving a number of indicators as an index. At this point, we considered the relation