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Research Reports
Using Citizen Science for Establishing Carbon-Neutral Society
Ⅰ. Introduction
1. Rationale and purpose of research
o Achieving carbon neutrality is a national goal for the Great Transition of the entire carbon-centric system and operational principle in society into a decarbonized society. To this end, it is imperative to transform not only technology but also the perception and structure of society.
ㅇ The emerging importance of public participation in policy-making and implementation
- The 2050 Carbon Neutral Strategy which is being promoted by the government also emphasizes communication and a social consensus to raise public awareness, but it has not given sufficient consideration to specific methods

o Citizen science is one of the citizen participation methods to achieve both goals of democratic public participation and evidence-based policy implementation.
ㅇ The present study aims to seek the best ways to promote the scientification and systemization of citizen participation and to enhance public policy acceptance during the implementation of carbon neutrality policy by revitalizing citizen science.

2. Research scope
o Discover the best ways to utilize and revitalize citizen science during the implementation of carbon neutrality policy
ㅇ Review the concept and types of citizen science and related discussions
ㅇ Examine the applicable validity of citizen science in the domestic context through the review of the overseas cases
ㅇ Identify the current status of citizen science in Korea and survey the perceptions of the parties concerned in citizen science
ㅇ Suggest ways of utilizing citizen science to achieve a carbon-neutral s