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Research Reports
A study on guiding citizens’ pro-environmental behaviors grounded on social heuristics
o This research focuses on the matter of how citizens’ pro-environmental behaviors could be guided by using various nudge tools.
­ Nudges are basically based on heuristics, which can be defined as a kind of method working in the human mind to discover shortcuts to respond to new or uncertain problems.

o Broadly, the research consists of three parts. The first part of the research is investigating the trends and issues of the conventional nudge policy in six distinguishing countries, which are the UK, the USA, Australia, Canada, Singapore, and Peru.
­The general nudge policies of those countries are described and compared particularly in respect to nudge’s significance, goal, identity, and boundary.
­ Those countries recognize that nudge should be one of the essential policy tools to be implemented especially towards the living of citizens.
­Also, the operation of nudge policies in those countries can be characterized as the decentralized model that in the government organization, lower level units tend more to initiate nudge as policy instrument than upper level units do.

o The second part of the research is surveying the perception of citizens on the diverse aspects of nudge.
­ The survey was designed to cover various age groups from twenties to fifties (1,020 persons in total).
­ And the survey questionnaires include the ongoing crucial issues of nudge. For example, they included questions such as: Do you believe government’s or company’s nudge intervention will improve your benefits or welfares? And what do you believe the most important requirement when using