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Research Reports
Integrated management strategies for estuarine environments in Korea
Estuaries and coastal lagoons (estuarine environments) are typical transitional ecosystems between land and sea, where sea water is mixed with fresh water. It is well known that estuarine environments are very valuable ecosystems because of their unique ecological functions and geographical features, as well as socioeconomic values. These precious estuaries have, however, have become severely deteriorated and damaged by human activities through watersheds and intensive coastal developments. In this respect, this study aims to develop integrated management strategies for protection, improvement, and restoration of estuarine environments that would support sustainable uses of those precious natural resources.
1. Management Strategies for Estuaries
An assessment of environmental and socioeconomic conditions of 17 major estuaries in Korea indicated that most large estuaries have been extensively developed with poor environmental quality. Habitat losses were the major problem facing estuarine environments in Korea. It was estimated that about 30% of current estuarine habitats would be lost in next 10 years. Water qualities in coastal reservoirs formed by river-mouth dikes were also deteriorating, with a water quality of grade IV in terms of COD. Nutrient concentrations in coastal waters including the reservoirs exceeded the eutrophic level that causes harmful algal blooms. It was also predicted that nutrient concentrations in the coastal waters would consistently increase unless special nutrient reduction measures were implemented promptly.
Estuary management capaciti