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Research Reports
A Study on Improving Policy for Achieving Climate Justice (Ⅲ)
Ⅰ. Introduction
o Background and objective
ㅇ According to the sixth report of the IPCC, compared to the 1850s and 1900s, the global average surface temperature increased by 1.09 °C between 2011 and 2020. Also compared to 1901, the global average sea level increased by 0.20 m in 2018.
ㅇ However, not everyone is equally affected by the damage and impact of the climate crisis, and the rise of polarization and inequality caused by the climate crisis call for climate justice.
ㅇ Policy measures are required to bring about and employ climate justice in domestic policies in order to cope with climate crises applying climate justice as a basic principle.

o Scope and structure of research
ㅇ Over three years in total, the concept of climate justice has been specified and a plan to achieve it has been developed from a domestic perspective.
ㅇ The first-year study specified the concept of climate justice and accordingly presented four definitions: distributive, procedural, productive, and recognitive justice.
ㅇThe analysis has mainly been conducted from the perspective of responsibility and equity, the components of distributive justice.
- As the establishment of greenhouse gas reduction goals is not stipulated by law, regulations through the legislation of specific standards or guidelines are required to determine the appropriateness of the reduction goals.
- The problem of existing climate change adaptation measures is the absence of policies and responses reflecting the impact and specificity of climate change differentiated from health policies for the vulnerable groups. Integrated