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Korea's Recent Environmental Laws, Reports, and Press Releases based on KEI Research

Exploration of Mekong River Basin Collaborative Projects Led by the Ministry of Environment
  • Date2024-03-18 00:00
  • TypePress Release
  • View167

▷ Promoting the establishment of a comprehensive development plan for water resources in the Mekong River basin in collaboration with downstream basin countries

▷ Providing support for climate change adaptation in developing countries and creating conditions for domestic companies to expand overseas

The Ministry of Environment (Minister Han Wha-jin) announced plans to dispatch the Green Industry Business Support Team (led by Vice Minister Lim Sang-jun) to Laos from February 26 to 27. The mission is to establish a government-to-government cooperation system, allowing domestic companies to enter overseas green industry markets, particularly focusing on comprehensive development of water resources in the Mekong River basin and landfill gas power generation in Laos.

On February 27, Vice Minister Lim Sang-jun of the Ministry of Environment is scheduled to meet with Anoulak Kittikhoun, the CEO of the Mekong River Commission (MRC), at the Mekong River Commission Secretariat in Vientiane, Laos. During the meeting, Vice Minister Lim will propose the establishment of a comprehensive water resources development plan with the Mekong River basin countries. He will also request the MRC to play a central role in leading the cooperation of basin countries. The Ministry plans to support the development of a comprehensive plan for the Mekong River basin in collaboration with the basin countries, while creating conditions for domestic companies to participate in related projects on a priority basis. 

The MRC is an organization established in 1995 by the lower Mekong riparian countries, namely Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, and Vietnam, based on the Mekong Agreement. The commission is responsible for the overall development, management, and protection of the Mekong River basin, including water resources development and climate change adaptation in the basin. 

On February 26, Vice Minister Lim is scheduled to meet with Bounkham Vorachit, the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of Laos, at the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment building in Vientiane, Laos. During the meeting, he aims to seek active cooperation to facilitate the entry of domestic companies into green industry in Laos. In particular, discussions will focus on major topics such as landfill gas power generation projects initiated by Korean companies at the Vientiane landfill site, flood response, and climate change cooperation projects to enhance climate resilience. 

Based on the experience of achieving a performance of KRW 20.4966 trillion in green industry contracts and exports last year, the Ministry is actively engaging in comprehensive contract support activities this year. The ministry has set a goal of KRW 22 trillion for this year and aims to achieve a total contract and export effect of KRW 100 trillion during its term.

Vice Minister Lim Sang-jun of the Ministry of Environment stated, "The Ministry will take the lead in discovering overseas projects to create opportunities for businesses to enter international markets." He added, "Building on last year's success, we will continue to explore overseas markets collaboratively with the public and private sectors as One Team, aiming to achieve the goal of KRW 22 trillion in green industry contracts this year."

[source: https://eng.me.go.kr/eng/web/board/read.do?pagerOffset=0&maxPageItems=10&maxIndexPages=10&searchKey=&searchValue=&menuId=461&orgCd=&boardId=1659800&boardMasterId=522&boardCategoryId=&decorator]