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Journal of Environmental Policy and Administration
Are smart cities growing smartly and sustainably? : smart and sustainable growth evaluation of each
  • NameJiyong Park,Sihyeon Kim,Sunmin Jun,Juchul Jung
  • Date2019-12-31 22:00
  • View555
A smart city (SC) should be planned and constructed based on Urban Growth Management. There is insufficient research to assess whether projects designed for the creation of SCs are in-line with both Smart Growth and Sustainable Growth practices, which are the foundation of Urban Growth Management. The purpose of this study is to assess whether the projects designed for the creation of SCs in Korea have been conducted using Smart Growth and Sustainable Growth practices. We selected the Sejong 5-1 Neighborhood and Busan Eco Delta City as case study areas. We evaluated the SC plans based on both Smart Growth principles and Sustainable Growth indices. As a result, we found that SC plans in both case study areas have primarily focused on economic growth opportunities that have followed some technological indicators. The indicators for equitable approval processes, efficient development patterns, and resiliency to hazards, but, were all found to be lacking in the urban planning considerations for these cities. This article proposed that Urban Growth Management such as Smart Growth and Sustainable Growth is important for environmental policy.

[Key Words] Smart City, Smart Growth, Sustainable Growth, Plan Evaluation