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KEI Environment Forum
[KEI Environment Forum] Vol.3 No.2 "A Study on the Current Status of Bird Collisions with Manmade Structures in Korea and Improving Reduction Methods and Environmental Impact Assessment"
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  • Date2019-07-23 09:55
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[KEI Environment Forum] Vol.3 No.2

KEI ENVIRONMENT FORUM ISSN 2586-1840 VOL.3, NO.2 a study on the current status of bird collisions width manmade structures in korea and improving reduction methods and evironmental impact assessment Ⅰ. foreword Ⅱ. current status of bird collisions with manmade structures in korea Ⅲ. improving environmental impact assessment regarding bird collisions with manmade structures Ⅳ. conclusion and suggestion www.kei.re.kr KEI korea environment institute