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KEI Research Briefs
[KEI Research Briefs Vol.10 No.4] Environmental Health
  • Name관리자
  • Date2022-12-30 14:19
  • View870
www.kei.re.kr / ISSN 2671-9274 / ΚΕΙ / ΚΕΙ RESEARCH BRIEFS / Vol.10 No.4 December 2022 / Environmental Health / 1. Advancement of Noise and Vibration Legislative System to Proactively Protect Public Health and Respond to Changes in the Living Environment / 2. Building Green Living Environment for Children(III): Strategies to Promote Green Consumption for Risk Reduction / 3. A Study on the Management of Hazardous Substances in
Plastics / 4. A Study on the Implementation of Health Risk Assessment and Management Strategies for the Realization of Environmental Justice