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KEI International Events
The 9th KEI-RAC-LASES-VASS Joint Seminar
  • Date2022-09-28 00:00
  • View13,410


KEI’s International Joint Seminar in the Mekong Subregion, held annually in collaboration with KEI’s regional partners of Royal Academy of Cambodia (RAC), Lao Academy of Social and Economic Sciences (LASES), and the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (VASS), brings together researchers, policymakers, and practitioners to discuss on ways to accelerate our pathways and partnership for sustainable development.


The 9th KEI-RAC-LASES-VASS Joint Seminar was held on the theme of ‘Post COVID-19 Green Recovery Strategies’ on September 21, 2022 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The sessions of the Joint Seminar i) discussed on the major trends, opportunities and challenges for Green Recovery, ii) shared on selected policy research highlights, lessons learned, and implication for Green Recovery, and iii) provided a framework to facilitate international cooperation and research partnership.

The 10th KEI-VASS-RAC-LASES Joint Seminar which will be held next year in Vietnam is on the theme of ‘Green Smart Cities’.
