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KEI International Events
European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EUBCE) 2016 - Jun. 2016
  • Date2016-06-02 00:00
  • View407
The European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EUBCE) is a world class annual event which, since 1980, is held at different venues throughout Europe. This year, the EUBCE 2016 will be held in Amsterdam, Netherlands from 6 - 9 June, 2016.
The EUBCE covers the entire value chain of biomass to conduct business, network, and to present and discuss the latest developments and innovations, the vision is to educate the biomass community and to accelerate growth.
The EUBCE will host a dynamic international Exhibition for companies and research labs to showcase their latest products and bringing scientists, technologists and key players together with leading Biomass industries and organizations.
(Visit the EUBCE website for further information at www.eubce.com)