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Strengthening Climate Resilience: KEI Launches Comprehensive Adaptation Project in Philippine Cities
  • Date2024-03-15 14:04
  • View17,554

The Korea Environment Institute (KEI) has initiated the Philippine Climate Resilience Cities Project in partnership with SuSIF, a project funded by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA). This project aims to bolster climate change resilience and adaptation capabilities in six Philippine cities: Batangas, Legazpi, Iloilo, Borongan, Cotabato, and Zamboanga. These cities frequently experience a variety of climate-related challenges, including typhoons, floods, sea level rise, droughts, and other extreme weather conditions.

Structured around four main components, the project encompasses: the development of climate adaptation technology guidelines, the delivery of capacity-building workshops on these technologies, invitational training on climate adaptation technologies and policies, and the facilitation of cooperation with external donor agencies, notably including the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the project implementors (Catholic Relief Services Consortium). The project's timeline spans from February of this year until its conclusion in 2026.

Its objectives are multifaceted, aiming to enhance the capacity of regional governments in the Philippines to implement and leverage a range of climate adaptation technologies. This includes the development of a white paper that compiles case studies of successful climate change adaptation technologies from around the world, alongside guidelines for conceptualizing climate adaptation technology projects. Additionally, the project will organize on-site capacity development workshops in each target cities, guided by the aforementioned white paper and guidelines. These workshops are designed to encourage the application of technologies suited to the specific needs of each city. Moreover, initiatives involving citizen participation will be actively promoted by the relevant local government departments.


The invitational training component of the project will offer both online and offline courses, provided through the KEI E-Learning Center. These courses will cover a broad spectrum of topics, including the basics of climate change, insights into adaptation policies across various countries, and the future of global cooperation and funding in climate adaptation.


Finally, the project aims to create detailed strategies for enhancing collaboration with other donor agencies, such as USAID, thereby ensuring a comprehensive and integrated approach to building climate resilience.

KEI       KOICAClimate Change AdaptationPhilippines