- Date2023-05-20 00:00
- View2,598
Inside the venue
Six people from KEI participated: President Chang Hoon Lee, Dr. Hoon Chang (Chief Research Fellow, Climate and Air Quality Research Group), Dr. Jiyoung Shin (Senior Research Fellow, Climate and Air Quality Research Group), Dr. Jeongeun Lee (Research Fellow, Division for Climate and Energy), Dr. Sungjin Kim (Head, Global Cooperation Team), and Jun Hyun Park (Senior Researcher, Global Cooperation Team). 13 people from UNCDF participated, including David Jackson, Director of Local Transformative Finance Practice.
The forum had two sessions: Knowledge Exchange and Collaboration Strategy. The first session included three presentations given by Director David Jackson & Chencho G. Dorjee (UNCDF Program Manager), KEI President Chang Hoon Lee, and Dr. Jiyoung Shin.
David Jackson and Chencho G. Dorjee gave a presentation titled ‘Strengthening Partnership in Sustainable Finance and Green Investment for Climate Resilience in ASEAN/Asia and Beyond.’
President Lee presented on the topic of carbon neutrality and green growth strategy in Korea. Dr. Jiyoung Shin gave a presentation titled ‘The Way to a Climate Resilient Society, Adapting to Climate Crisis: Climate Change Adaptation Framework in Korea.’
KEI President Chang Hoon Lee
Dr. Jiyoung Shin, Climate and Air Quality Research Group
Session 2 titled ‘Collaboration Strategy’ included Senior Researcher Jun Hyun Park’s presentation titled ‘ASEAN-ROK Cooperation for Carbon Neutrality and Green Transition’ and the debate session. To enhance cooperation, KEI and UNCDF agreed to jointly release publications, expand human resources exchange, and mutually invite important figures to their respective international events.
Jun Hyun Park, Global Cooperation Team
Group photo
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