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KEI News
A New Year's Message from the KEI President
  • Date2023-01-20 00:00
  • View3,615



As we stand at the start of another year, I want to reflect on the past and look ahead to the future. There are hopes that the COVID-19 pandemic may be coming to an end, but as we look ahead to 2023 and beyond, it will be a year like no other filled with challenges and uncertainties. As we all know, geopolitical disputes and supply chain disruptions continue to linger, leaving the economic crisis with no end in sight. The climate crisis continues to escalate, having visible effects on the world. We are approaching a decisive era for the transition to a low-carbon economy and these are trying times for us all to reexamine the efforts made so far.

At this critical time, we celebrate 30 years of KEI. It is an incredible milestone and our institute has successfully completed the mission of resolving Korea’s environmental problems. As we enter the next chapter of our journey, we face new challenges and require a new mission. This is a defining time for us to expand our horizons and develop our skills. Our research must contribute to the sustainable development of the global community beyond Korea. I believe we are already the best environmental policy research institution in Korea, and we are committed to become a think tank that leads global environmental policy in the next 10 years. 
As looking ahead to 2023, KEI has made some preparation for the future. First, we are creating a mid-to long-term research roadmap by field. This research roadmap will be completed by end of January which will outline research topics and enable researchers to prioritize research that meets social needs. We look forward to KEI research that proactively responds to the rapidly changing policy environment through annual updates. 
Second, we have improved the process of project selection and its management. The annual research project selection schedule will be fixed in advance, allowing researchers to write proposals with sufficient time. For issue studies, the selection process is conducted once every two months on average, so that necessary research can be conducted in a timely manner. In addition, by unifying the evaluation and review of research projects, the actual research period has been extended and unnecessary administrative requirements have been minimized.
Third, we have created roadmaps to disseminate research results and strengthen policy leadership in the field of  environmental data, environmental education, and KEI globalization. These roadmaps contain environmental data hub strategies that disclose research data and provide key environmental data and policy DB, environmental education strategies ('Training the Trainers') that makes good use of well over 100 professional research experts - our irreplaceable assets - and globalization strategies to Global Thinking, Acting, and Leading. A version including the 2023 implementation plans will be released in early February. 
Lastly, we are making in our efforts to drive management innovation at KEI. We are preparing the KEI Sustainability Report to become an institution that puts solutions for sustainable development into practice rather than merely presenting solutions. We are preparing guidelines of innovative solutions that positively impact lives of employees. From the perspective of office space innovation, gray walls have been replaced with glass walls, and the break rooms have been completely remodeled to create a more pleasant working environment.
This year is a time to carry out the above-mentioned plans. Problems that were not thought of in the planning process often appear in the process of concrete implementation. We must put our heads together and build on our successes, to address our challenges, and to achieve our collective goals. We should try not to mistake the finger for the moon. Implementing plans are important but we should have a clear understanding of where we are headed and what we stand for. 
Also, problems that have not yet been answered need to be addressed. In particular, personnel management lacks improvements. How can we enhance the competence and expertise of our employees? What competencies and what kind of education and training will our new vision require? How should performance management be done so that the capabilities of the employees drive to concrete performance and success? How can we create an energetic working environment?
Last, but not least, we are committed to speak up on major environmental issues in 2023. Through solid logic and easy language, we need to advocate for environmental issues by speaking out and raising awareness to the public about the importance of sustainability while putting efforts to map out  specific plans into policy. We need professional and objective voices representing the environment on current issues of our time, such as carbon neutrality, renewable energy, climate adaptation, resource circulation, and health risks. We would also seek to convey our voices at the various events prepared for the 30th anniversary. 
Everyone experiences resistance at some point but sometimes, the best way to overcome resistance is to just start. Take the first step, and the rest will follow. We are all part of a great journey together, and I am confident that we will achieve great things in the coming years. I look forward to working with each and every one of you as we move towards our vision and mission, and create a better future for us all. I want to wish each and every one of you a happy and prosperous New Year. 

Thank you and have a great year ahead! 

KEI President 

Chang Hoon Lee
