KEI with Money Today successfully hosted The Global Circular Economy Conference
- Date2022-11-09 16:31
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KEI with Money Today successfully hosted The Global Circular Economy Conference on 9th of November, 2022, in Seoul, Korea. The conference convened researchers, policymakers, practitioners and opinion leaders across government, industry, and start-ups, to accelerate the transition to a circular economy, as the circular economy emerges as key strategy to bolster industrial competitiveness and achieve carbon neutrality.
Guided by the theme "A Pathway to K-Circular Economy with innovation and participation", participants exchanged information & ideas, and seek for support from the experts, while searching for a proper model of 'K-Circular Economy'. The experts around the world joined the conference online, sharing best practices and presentations on a range of topics while simultaneous interpretation was provided onsite.
"In order to transit to a circular economy and maximize resource efficiency, a linear consumption process should be replaced with a 'Closed Loop' in the resource cycle and all these processes should be supported by structural changes and transformational innovation across society." said KEI president Chang Hoon Lee at his welcoming remarks.
He also stressed that the role of green finance is important to raise funds for the transitions. He added "Today's conference is an opportunity to share and discuss trends and best practices of Finland and Japan, leading countries of the circular economy".