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KEI News
Capacity Building for Supporting Low Emission Development Strategy and Climate Action Plan in Fiji
  • Date2022-09-02 00:00
  • View2,924
Pictures of Participants in Fiji (on site)

A 11-day intensive Online Training course for 20 Fiji government officials, was delivered by KEI last July. This training is part of the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)’s global training CIAT (Capacity Improvement & Advancement for Tomorrow) program. There were six modules of this program, which included ① low emission development and climate change, ② energy and GHG emissions, ③ land, urban & rural planning, ④ marine management, ⑤ cooperation, and ⑥ action plan.
Experts from Korea shared their knowledge and hands-on experiences on low-carbon development and climate response planning to support Fiji’s national Low Emission Development Strategy (LEDS) and Climate Action Plan. 

Pictures of Online Course Participants 