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Call for Applications for Intern position of KEI
  • Date2017-02-17 00:00
  • View1,336
Call for Applications for Intern position of KEI
KEI invites applicants for the position of intern.
KEI, established by the Korean government in 1993 as a public research institute, is a national leading think tank on environmental policies and environmental impact assessment. KEI has been at the heart of developing environment agendas through policy research and recommendations for the past 24 years.
The successful candidate will actively participate in a research project on environmental issues in Sejong. For more information consult the http://www.kei.re.kr/bEng/main.kei.
- Foreigner who is 1) currently living in Korea, 2) pursuing advanced degrees(master’s and doctoral degree) in Korea, and 3) holds D2 visa
- Fluent in English is required. Candidates with knowledge of Korean or other languages(German, Russian, Central Asian, Chinese and Vietnamese) are also preferred
- Ability to work collaboratively in a team
Appointment Period and Salary
The appointment will be 3 April ~ 28 April, 2017 (for a month) with possibility of extension of up to a total of two months. The salary will be 1.5million Korean won per month including tax.
Selection Procedure
- Resume screening
- Panel interview
(Interview will be conducted only for applicants who are selected from the first round and it will be, individually, notified by email)
Application Submission
Interested candidate should submit a resume (Eng), a cover letter (Eng) and a copy of passport in a single pdf file to Haengun Chung at huchung@kei.re.kr. Review of applications will begin immediately and will remain open until 28th February, 2017.
Please contact Haengun Chung (044-415-7836, huchung@kei.re.kr) if you have inquiries.
KEI 국제인턴 모집
1. 지원자격: 대한민국 석사/박사 과정에 재학 중인 외국인으로 D2 비자 소지자(독일, 러시아, 중앙 아시아, 중국, 베트남 우대)
2. 고용형태: 국제인턴
3. 근무기간: 201743() ~ 428()/531()
* 연구원 사정에 따라 활동기간은 변동될 수 있음
4. 근무지: 세종시(변동가능)
5. 제출서류: 이력서 1(자유양식, 영어), Cover Letter 1(자유양식, 영어), 여권사본, 재학증명서 및 기타 증빙서류(2차 면접시 제출)
6. 지원방법: 이력서, Cover Letter, 여권사본 huchung@kei.re.kr로 제출
7. 지원기간: 2017217() ~ 2017228()
8. 수행업무: 현재 KEI에서 운영되고 있는 다양한 국제사업에 투입되어 활동 예정
9. 임금: 150만원
10. 기타: 2차 면접은 1차 서류전형 합격자로 개별 연락을 받은 자에 한하여 실시함
문의사항은 정행운(044-415-7836, huchung@kei.re.kr)으로 연락주시기 바랍니다.