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International Workshop on Green Strategy of “One Belt and One Road” Initiative and Korea-China Cooperation
  • Date2016-10-14 00:00
  • View620
International Workshop on Green Strategy of “One Belt and One Road” Initiative and Korea-China Cooperation
The International Workshop on Green Strategy of “One Belt and One Road” Initiative and Korea-China Cooperation jointly hosted by the Korea Environment Institute (KEI), the China-ASEAN Environmental Cooperation Center (CAEC), and the Korean Association for Contemporary Chinese Studies (KACCS) will be held on 18 October, 2016 in Beijing, China.
Opening Ceremony
- Opening Address (CAEC)
- Welcoming Address (LEE, Chang Hoon, KEI)
- Congratulatory Address (HAHN Dong Hoon, KACCS)
Group Photo
Topic: Progress and Issue of “One Belt and One Road” Initiative Implementation
Moderator: Member of CAEC
Topics and Speakers: Two speakers from China, Two speakers from Korea
· Progress of “Belt and Road” Initiative Implementation in China (Liu Hui, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Nature Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
· Belt and Road” Initiative and International Green Development (Chang Jiwen, Development Research Center of the State Council)
· Understanding and Perspective on “One Belt and One Road”(WON, Dong Wook, Donga Univ.)
· Economic Perspective on “One Belt and One Road”(HAHN, Dong Hoon, Catholic Univ.)
Moderated Discussion: Three experts from Korea and China
· YANG, Pyeong Seop( KIEP)
· LEE, Sang Youn(HOSEO Univ.)
· Chang Jiwen, Development Research Center of the State Council
Coffee Break
Topic: Green Strategy of One Belt and One Road Initiative and Environmental Cooperation
· Moderator: LEE Chang Hoon(KEI)
Topics and Speakers:
· Overall Planning of the Green “ Belt and Road” (Zhou Guomei, CAEC)
· Resource and Environmental Cooperation under the Framework of Belt and Road” Initiative (Gu Shuzhong, Development Research Center of the State Council)
· Environmental Cooperation of “ One Belt and One Road” Initiative Implementation in Asian Region(CHU, Jang Min, KEI)
· Environmental Business of “ One Belt and One Road” Initiative(PARK, Seung Won, KS-COTTRELL)
Moderated Discussion: Three Experts from Korea and China
· KIM, Dong Soo( KIET)
· KIM, Dai-Gon(National Institute of Environmental Science)
· Gu Shuzhong, Development Research Center of the State Council
Discussion and Summary

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