Expert Consultation on Knowledge and Capacity needs for sustainable Development in Post Rio Era
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Keynote Address
Consultation on Knowledge and Capacity Needs for
Development in Post-Rio+20 Era
March 2013
Dr. Byung-Wook Lee
of Korea Environment Institute
It is a great
pleasure for me to deliver keynote remarks for today’s event, “Expert
Consultation on Knowledge and Capacity Needs for Sustainable Development in
Post-Rio+20 Era”, organized by UNOSD in partnership with the Asia-Europe
Foundation (ASEF), the Korea Environment Institute (KEI) and the UN Centre for
Regional Development (UNCRD).
Since officially
launched in October 2011, UNOSD is devoting it efforts to promote sustainable
development through knowledge exchange, research and policy analysis, capacity
development, and partnership and networking activities. As someone who has been
both scholar and practitioner in my career, I firmly believe in the power of
knowledge as a tool to enhance the effectiveness of policies, and in that sense
I am very much in support of OSD’s focus and also of today’s Expert
Consultation. As the President of Korea Environment Institute which also endeavors
to produce high-quality research on sustainable development and to share it with
the sustainable development practitioners around the world, I would like to express
that it is our great pleasure to support and co-organize this Expert
Consultation in partnership with OSD.
development has been at the forefront of international discussion now for more
than two decades. Since the Rio Summit in 1992 officially recognized the
sustainable development as a key to relieve global environmental problems, the concept
of sustainable development has continually evolved upon numerous discussions.
One of the major
achievements in the conceptual discussion of sustainable development is the
integration of so-called “three pillars” of economic growth, social development,
and environmental protection. On account of such integrated approach,
sustainable development can be an effective solution to the multi-faceted
crises that our world is facing today.
The world
economy is still struggling to recover after four years since the eruption of
the global financial crisis; although the world leaders committed themselves to
achieving the Millennium Development Goals more than a decade ago, the hunger,
lack of universal primary education, and gender inequality still remain global
challenges; suffering of our global environment continues, with rapid buildup
of greenhouse gases and erosion of biodiversity.
One of the challenges
of today’s crises is that the problems are complex and interlinked. The global
financial crisis is hampering the alleviation of poverty; lack of universal education
is restricting the social development in many other aspects; global climate
change is affecting natural habitats and agricultural activities, complicating
the effort to improve food security and relieve hunger. The integrated approach
of sustainable development encompassing the economic, social, and environmental
dimensions can be an effective means to address such complicated and
interconnected nature of today’s global crises.
Despite such conceptual evolution, realization of sustainable development takes so much more than a
well-refined idea. It calls for strong political wills and commitments from
each nation, effective financing mechanisms, technological development, strengthened
institutional capacities, international cooperation with knowledge sharing and
capacity building, and strong governance structure in international, national,
and sub-national levels.
Among those many factors, today I would like to stress
the importance of knowledge sharing and capacity development. In order to
implement the sustainable development at the global level, the transfer of technologies
and experiences from developed to developing countries and also through
South-South cooperation, and the communication among diverse groups as policymakers,
research communities, non-governmental organizations, and local communities can
be critical factors. Sharing the development experience of one country with
another, and sharing scientific, technological, and empirical knowledge from research
communities with policymakers and practitioners are valuable activities that
can accelerate the implementation of sustainable development. Providing such
venues and opportunities is a critical contribution to sustainable development,
and I firmly hope this Expert Consultation will stimulate such flow of
The green economy was adopted as one of the main themes
of last year’s Rio+20 Conference, and is being recognized as an effective tool
to achieve sustainable development. In this post-Rio+20 era, it is on the forefront
of development agenda, and the role of knowledge sharing and capacity building is
even further emphasized.
Rather than being a rigid set of rules, the green economy
should be flexible means tailored to accommodate each nation’s circumstances. Developing
such country-specific green economy strategies can be greatly facilitated by
flow of knowledge in technologies, developmental experiences, and policy
participants, Ladies and Gentlemen,
This Expert
Consultation we are holding today is providing valuable opportunities for exchanging
views on knowledge sharing and capacity building towards sustainable
development. I sincerely hope that this Expert Consultation will produce in-depth
and lively discussions and many valuable lessons, which will show us the way forward.
Last but not
least, I would like to express once again my deep appreciation to UNOSD and our
partner, ASEF and UNCRD for organizing and supporting this Expert Consultation,
and I also would like to recognize the great effort of UNOSD staff who have
worked very hard to prepare for this event. At the same time, I wish ladies and
gentlemen, experts, scholars, researchers and distinguished participants good
health, and great success of the Expert Consultation’s activities.
Thank you for
your kind attention.
Expert Consultation on Knowledge and Capacity Needs for
Sustainable Development in Post-Rio+20 Era.docx
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