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Annual Reports & Brochures
KEI Annual Report 2007
  • Date2009-01-23 00:00
  • View789
< Contents >
I. Major Research Projects 2008
1. Joint Research
 - Environmental Policy for Low-Income Population in Urban Areas 
2. Major Research on Pending Issues
 - Building and Systematic Management of the National Coastal Area Eco-Network 
 - Plan for the Development and Introduction of an IndexRegarding the Vulnerability to Climate Change 
 - Integrating Environmental Eco-Plans into Urban Development Projects 

II. Major Research Projects 2007
1. Environmental Management
 - Ecological Network Planning and Land Use Strategies for Sustainable Urban Landscape and Land Management in Korea 
 - Landscape Ecological Methodologies to Evaluate Landscape Connectivity 
 - Native Plant Community Restoration Based on Phytosociology 
 - Development of Designation Criteria for Ecological Protected Areas and its Application Methodology -  
 - Rationale for Korea Joining the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals 
 - Study on the Selection of Natural Resources Requiring Permits for Overseas Transfer (Ⅱ) 
 - Study on the Creation of a Broad Eco-Network 
 - Development of Ecological Axes Planning Guidelines for an Eco-city in Korea 
 - A Study on the Basic Plan for the National Ecology Park 
 - Production and Application of Socioeconomic Value Assessment Techniques to Biodiversity 
 - Estimation of Air Pollutant Emissions and Water Use in the Manufacturing Phase of Each Product Groups 
 - Study on Evaluating the Supply Performance and Activity Plans of Compressed Natural Gas Vehicles 
 - A Study on Methods to Improve Atmospheric Impact Assessment in the Seoul Metropolitan Area (Ⅰ) 
 - Sediment Management Plans for Protecting the Aquatic Ecosystem 
 - Improving Artificial Wetlands for Non-Point Source Pollution Control 
 - Policy Direction for Re-Establishing Groundwater Quality and Cleanup Standards 
 - Study for the Establishment of a Wetland Conservation Plan in the Han River Estuary 
 - Study on Basic Planning for Land Purchase and Management in the Geum River Water System 
 - Study on Improvements to the System for Reporting the Setup of Non-Point Pollution Sources 
 - A Study to Establish Comprehensive and Detailed Plans for the Control of Hazardous Air Pollutants 
 - A Study on Improvement Methods for the Management System of Chemical Substances in Korea as a Response to EU REACH 
 - A Study on General Measures for Dust and Sand Storm Damage Prevention 
 - Development of Planning and Management Techniques for the Reduction of Risk Incurred by LMOs 
 - Environmental Review on the Health Impact of Traffic Noise 
 - Study on the Development of Health Impact Assessment Techniques and Pilot Project 
 - Improvement and Application of BenMAP (The Environmental Benefits Mapping and Analysis Program) for the Seoul Metropolitan Area, Korea 
2. Environmental Assessment
 - Improving Environmental Assessment in Tidal Flat Reclamation 
 - Study of Public Participation on Environmental Impact Assessment for Sustainable Development 
 - Comprehensive Environmental Assessment for Golf Course Development Projects 
 - Searching for Effective Ways to Operate Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) 
 - Development of a Second Prior Environmental Review Support System in Korea 
3. Integrated Analysis of Environment, Economy, and Society
 - Environmental Policy for Low-income Population in Urban Areas 
 - Recursive Dynamic National CGE Model 
 - Linking Environmental Assessment and Sustainable Development Indicators 107
 - Building the Environmental Valuation System 
 - Study on Nature Friendly Natural Disaster Mitigation Policies -Focusing on flood mitigation method through land use plan and management- 
 - The Environmentally Friendly Reform and its Effect of Subsidies in the Energy and Electric Power Sectors (Ⅰ) 
 - Study to Establish Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control 
 - Study on Policy Orientation Regarding Tax and Public Finance in Preparation for the Introduction of Carbon Taxes 
 - Study on the Improvement of the Tax System for Energy Considering the Environment and the Economy - With special reference to transportation, home- and commercial usages 
 - Study on the 3rd Integrated Environmental Strategies 
 - Strategies to Create and Manage Amenity Resources in Korea’s Protected Areas- The Dong River ecological and landscape conservation area 
 - Environmental Carrying Capacity Assessment and Applications 
 - Sustainability Assessment on Land Development Projects -Developing and pilot testing an assessment system in the view of greenspace volume 
 - Study on the Introduction of Payments For Ecosystem Services by Genetic Reserve Forest 
 - Study on the Establishment of an Eco-Friendly Bicycle Culture 
 - Study on Eco-Friendly Railway Design Techniques 
 - Study to Improve the Calculation Method of Noise and Vibration Caused by Construction 
4. Global Environment
 - Development of Management and Cost Sharing Regulations (draft) on Environment Facilities at the Kaesong Industrial Complex 
 - Analysis of Environmental Ripple Effects Due to the Korea and US FTA 
 - Comparative Study on Environmental Impact Assessment between Korea and China 
 - Preliminary Study on Establishing an SDS Early Warning System in Northeast Asia 
 - Study on Establishing a Tripartite Cooperation System on Dust and Sandstorms in Northeast Asia 
 - Comparison of Environmental Legal Systems in South and North Korea 
 - South and North Korean Environmental Forum 2007 
 - Climate Change Impact Assessment and Development of Adaptation Strategies in Korea (Ⅲ) 
 - Estimation of Costs and Impacts for Various Options of Post-Kyoto Climate Regimes 
 - Response Roadmap for National Climate Change 
 - Study on Ways of Establishing the 4th Comprehensive Countermeasures for Climate Change by the Government  
 - A Comparative Analysis for the Economic Consequences of the Kyoto Flexibility Mechanism 

III. Environmental Assessment
 - Environmental Assessment 

IV. Academic Exchanges
1. International Research Networks 
2. National Research Networks 
V. Education·Public Relations
1. Cyber Environmental Policy Education Institute 
2. International Environmental Education and Capacity Building 
3. Journal of Environmental Policy 
4. Environmental Forum 
5. Korea Environmental Policy Bulletin 

VI. Appendix
1. Organization 
2. KEI Research Staff 
3. List of Research Reports