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Climate Change Policy Research
A Study on the Development of a Customer-Oriented Emergency Plan Considering the Secondary Effects of Climate Change and Natural Disasters : Focusing on the case of airport emergency planning
Ⅰ. Background and Aims of Research
1. Background of research
oIncreased need for climate change adaptation plans for social infrastructure
ㅇ In preparation for the increase in the frequency and intensity of disasters due to extreme weather events, it is necessary to improve the emergency plan of the airport, as a representative social infrastructure.

oSecondary effects of natural disasters need to be reflected in airport emergency plans
ㅇCompared to overseas cases, domestic airport emergency plans need to be improved as there are not enough measures for airport users, such as human welfare or communication measures, in addition to facilities in case of a natural disaster.

2. Aims of research
oThe research aims to develop a method for predicting complex impacts, including secondary impacts from natural disasters.
ㅇIn detail, a workshop methodology in which users participate in airport emergency plans is prepared and pilot-applied to prepare customer-oriented adaptation measures.

Ⅱ. Planning and Impact Assessment
1. Evaluation of the plan
oConcept of policy performance and evaluation
ㅇAccording to the logic model widely used in the field of policy planning, management, and evaluation, policy activities produce outputs and outcomes, impact (long-term outcome).
ㅇ Output evaluation focuses on the efficiency of examining output versus input, and output evaluation focuses on policies’ effectiveness.

o Secondary and cascading effects
ㅇIn the impact assessment, consideration of th