Development of an Integrated Modeling Framework for Assessing Climate and Air Quality
- Author Choi, Hyungsik;Choi, Ki-Chul
- Researchers Jeon, Hocheol;Kim, Yong-Gun;Kong, Hyunsuk;Lim, HyunGWoo;Na, Geonsoo;Ryu Sohyeon
Ⅰ. Background and Aims of the Research
1. Status of carbon neutrality and particulate matter policies
ㅇ The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in its 1.5°C Special Report (October 2018), proposed a pathway to achieve global carbon neutrality by 2050 to limit the global temperature rise to 1.5°C.
ㅇ In line with these changes in the international community, Korea has also established a national greenhouse gas reduction target (NDC), and recently (October 2021) announced a plan to raise the 2030 national greenhouse gas reduction target, presenting goals to achieve carbon neutrality.
ㅇ As the particulate matter issue has emerged as a national agenda, the ‘Special Act on the Reduction and Management of Fine Dust’ has come into effect to manage it, laying the legal foundation for establishing and implementing a comprehensive particulate matter management plan every five years.
ㅇ Recent changes in the air quality management policy environment mean that there will continue to be demand for research related to establishing carbon neutrality and particulate matter policies in the future.
ㅇ Greenhouse gases and air pollutants share a significant number of emission sources, and the synergy resulting from simultaneous reduction is high. However, there are cases where the effects are uncertain due to conflicting reduction policies, highlighting the need to develop tools for efficient and systematic evaluation.
o There is a need to produce mid- to long-term forecasts of air p
1. Status of carbon neutrality and particulate matter policies
ㅇ The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in its 1.5°C Special Report (October 2018), proposed a pathway to achieve global carbon neutrality by 2050 to limit the global temperature rise to 1.5°C.
ㅇ In line with these changes in the international community, Korea has also established a national greenhouse gas reduction target (NDC), and recently (October 2021) announced a plan to raise the 2030 national greenhouse gas reduction target, presenting goals to achieve carbon neutrality.
ㅇ As the particulate matter issue has emerged as a national agenda, the ‘Special Act on the Reduction and Management of Fine Dust’ has come into effect to manage it, laying the legal foundation for establishing and implementing a comprehensive particulate matter management plan every five years.
ㅇ Recent changes in the air quality management policy environment mean that there will continue to be demand for research related to establishing carbon neutrality and particulate matter policies in the future.
ㅇ Greenhouse gases and air pollutants share a significant number of emission sources, and the synergy resulting from simultaneous reduction is high. However, there are cases where the effects are uncertain due to conflicting reduction policies, highlighting the need to develop tools for efficient and systematic evaluation.
o There is a need to produce mid- to long-term forecasts of air p