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Working Papers
Diagnosing and Improving Gaps between Policy and Technology in the Natural Environment Sector
Ⅰ. Introduction
oIn order to overcome the environmental crisis facing humanity, the international community is recommending the development and implementation of nature-based policies and technologies, but there are limitations in implementing the recommendations due to the insufficient technological response to policy.

o The government plans to expand the scope of technology policy to solve environmental problems in accordance with the 5th Master Plans for Science and Technology (2023-2027), and promote feedback between setting inspection indicators and monitoring implementation status to improve implementation. Accordingly, pilot research is needed to ensure integration, consistency, and connectivity between policy and technology.

o The implementation of the 3rd Basic Plan for Conservation of Natural Environment (2016-2025) will be completed in 2025, and the 4th plan will be implemented in 2026. To ensure the successful implementation of the 3rd plan (advancement of natural environment conservation base) and to facilitate the establishment of the 4th plan, there is a need to diagnose and address gaps between policy and technology in the natural environment sector.

oThis study diagnoses policy-technology gaps in the natural environment sector and seeks to address these gaps by promoting policy intelligence and translating technology into policy, thus ensuring consistency, consistency, and connectivity between policy and technology. Through this, we aim to contribute to resolving the environmental crisis by improving the effectiveness of policy implementation.

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