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All 1710. Page 152/171
- No
- Category
- Title
- Author
- Date
- 200
- Research Reports
- Impact of knowledge-based economy on the environment and counter-measures
- Chang, Ki-bok
- 2000-12-30
- 199
- Research Reports
- A study to facilitate the use of ICA in large scale WWTPs
- Lee, Byungkook
- 2000-12-30
- 198
- Research Reports
- Creation and management of riparian buffers for water quality managenent
- Choi, Jiyong
- 2000-12-30
- 197
- Research Reports
- Improvement of the compensation for environmental damage
- Kang, Manok
- 2000-12-30
- 196
- Research Reports
- Endogenous sustainable growth model in open economy
- Kang, Sangin
- 2000-12-30
- 195
- Research Reports
- National Strategies for Sediment Quality Criteria Development
- Lee, Changhee
- 2000-12-30
- 194
- Research Reports
- Development of POPs Regulation in Korea
- Park, Jeonggue
- 2000-12-30
- 193
- Research Reports
- An interaction of economy and environment in dynamic computable general equilibrium modelling with a focus on climate change issue in Korea
- Joh, Seunghun
- 2000-12-30
- 192
- Commissioned Research
- Study on the cooperation of environmental technology & industry in Northeast Asian region
- Kang Kwang-kyu
- 2000-02-28
- 191
- Research Reports
- Domestic management of Biocides
- Park, Jeonggue
- 1999-12-30