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Issue Studies
Analysis of Low-Energy Demand Scenarios with Global CGE Model
1. Research Background and Objectives
o Increasing global attention to energy demand
ㅇ Global studies, such as the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) and Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) Phase 4, have emphasized demand-side responses.
- The IPCC AR6 has a separate chapter on demand, emphasizing demand-side responses and their potential to contribute to GHG reduction.
- As one of the Illustrative Mitigation Pathways (IMP), the IMP-LD pathway, which considers low-demand measures such as an efficient use of resources, is presented.
ㅇ Demand-side responses, such as energy efficiency and behavior change, are expected to be a cost-efficient and effective way to reduce GHG emissions and reduce the burden on the supply-side, especially Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS).
ㅇ Quantitative analysis of low energy demand scenarios is necessary, as energy demand may be given more prominence in the IPCC 7th Assessment Report (AR7) and national policies are focusing more on the economic and environmental benefits of demand-side responses.

o Develop low energy demand scenarios and quantitatively analyze the potential for low energy demand measures to contribute to domestic and global GHG reductions through global CGE models
ㅇ The study identifies low energy demand measures for industries and households that are considered in literature and policy and reflects them into the global CGE model, enabling a comprehensive analysis of the impacts of low energy demand scenarios both domestically and globally.
ㅇ The study develops a global CGE model that can analyze the temperature in