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Issue Studies
Policy Issues and Directions for Flood Management in the Era of Climate Crisis
Ⅰ. Background and Aims of Research
o As climate change accelerates, a series of floods have occurred that have caused massive damage, which has become an issue that requires a national response
o In 2023, the oUrban River Basin Inundation Damage Prevention Acto (hereinafter, the oUrban Flood Prevention Acto) was enacted, with the main focus of managing flood disasters
o Regarding the budget support for flood response projects, the oRiver Acto and the three major rivers "Act on Water Management and Support for Residents of Geumgang River, Nakdong River, Yeongsan River, and Seomjin River" were revised
o It is essential to preemptively diagnose and prepare for emergency policy changes in line with legislative amendments from a flood management perspective
o This study was conducted to achieve the following research objectives
ㅇ Propose the direction of the integrated fluvial and pluvial flood management policy by securing the effectiveness of the oUrban Flood Prevention Acto
ㅇ Suggest a Policy Direction for Flood Management in the Era of Climate Crisis

Ⅱ. Flood Occurrences and Climate Crisis Response Policy
1. Current status of flood occurrence
o In the last 10 years (2013-2022), the number of cities, counties, and districts where flood damage occurred was 184, and the amount of damage was KRW 2.648 trillion
ㅇ The year with the most severe damage was 2020, with damages in 76 counties amounting to approximately KRW 1.183 trillion, which is 44.7% of the total damage over ten year
ㅇ The subsequent year with significant damages was 2022, with damages amounting to KRW 483.3 billio