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Issue Studies
A Study on the Environmental Status in North Korea and the Development of Inter-Korean Environmental Cooperation
Ⅰ. Background and objectives
1. Rationales
oThe inauguration of the new administration in May 2022 has heightened interest in the future direction of the relationship between South and North Korea.
ㅇThe outlook for the relationship is obscure, given international sanctions on North Korea and a significant structural constraint from the country’s continuous development of nuclear weapons and missiles.
ㅇThe aforementioned issues are highly expected to emerge as a major agenda item in inter-Korean negotiations to improve their relations through Green Dotente.

oThe accurate assessment and recognition of the current status in North Korea is considered as a critical prerequisite for pursuing cooperation on the ecological environment on the Korean Peninsula.
ㅇData and information on environmental conditions in North Korea are still deficient and are not organized systematically.
ㅇIn the third year of the multi-year project launched in 2020, this research conducted (1) studies on inter-Korean environmental cooperation and project development, (2) investigation of environmental conditions in North Korea and establishment of environment database, and (3) creation of environmental research ecosystem and dissemination of progress and results.

2. Topics and execution
o This research is composed as follows:
ㅇTopics are categorized into three areas: Development of research projects on environmental cooperation and business opportunities between South and North Korea; research on env