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All 1710. Page 160/171
- No
- Category
- Title
- Author
- Date
- 120
- Research Reports
- Reformation of Environmental Laws in Korea
- Cho, Hongsik
- 1997-12-30
- 119
- Research Reports
- Evaluation of Environmental Technology Development and Dissemination of Environmental Technologies
- Kwon, Younghan
- 1997-12-30
- 118
- Research Reports
- Uses of Remote Sensing Techniques in Managing Ecosystem
- Jeon, Seongwoo
- 1997-12-30
- 117
- Research Reports
- Administrative system for managing soil data in korea
- Park, Yongha
- 1997-12-30
- 116
- Research Reports
- Development of Regulation Measures for Toxic Chemicals in Korea
- Kim, Kangseok
- 1997-12-30
- 115
- Research Reports
- Study on the Reformation of Domestic Classification System for Internationally Traded Wastes using the OECD System
- Lee, Hisun
- 1997-12-30
- 114
- Research Reports
- Benefit-cost Analysis and Technical Assessment of Food Waste Treatment Technologies
- Kim, Kwangyim
- 1997-12-30
- 113
- Research Reports
- Revision of Water Quality Standards in Korea
- Choi, Jiyong
- 1997-12-30
- 112
- Research Reports
- Revision of Water Quality Standards in Korea
- Choi, Jiyong
- 1997-12-30
- 111
- Research Reports
- Application of a Total Emission Regulation System in Nakdong River Basin Areas
- Kim, Seungwoo
- 1997-12-30