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All 1710. Page 165/171
- No
- Category
- Title
- Author
- Date
- 70
- Research Reports
- Study on the Development of Environmental Impact Assessment System for Local Governments
- Nam, Youngsook
- 1996-12-30
- 69
- Research Reports
- Promoting Pollution Prevention Technology in Korea
- Min, Byungseong
- 1996-12-30
- 68
- Research Reports
- Application of Total Effluent Regulation System in Coastal Areas
- Park, Wonkyou
- 1996-12-20
- 67
- Issue Studies
- Lessons from Successful Restoration of Polluted Rivers in Foreign Countries
- Choi, Jiyong
- 1996-10-30
- 66
- Issue Studies
- Water Management Policies for the 21st Century
- Choi, Jiyong
- 1996-05-30
- 65
- Issue Studies
- Water-Recycling System Project Evaluation
- Lho, Sanghwan
- 1996-01-01
- 64
- Issue Studies
- Economic Incentive System to Promote Cooperative Environmental Competition among Local Governments
- Kim, Hongkyun
- 1996-01-01
- 63
- Issue Studies
- Regional Industrial Policies for Sustainable Development
- Park, Samok
- 1996-01-01
- 62
- Issue Studies
- Sustainable Land Development in Korea
- Lim, Changho
- 1996-01-01
- 61
- Research Reports
- Development of a C.G.E. Model for Environmental Policy
- Kwak, Taewon
- 1995-12-30