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Research Reports
A Study on Integrated Management of Particulate Matter Pollution
Ⅰ. Background of Research
o Current status of domestic PM2.5 pollution
ㅇ PM2.5 pollutions in 2020 (Korea)
-The annual mean PM2.5 concentration of Seoul in 2020 was 17% lower than 2019, which is a remarkable reduction.
oAccording to Ministry of Environment’s reports, the effect of national policy such as policy measures of season with high PM concentrations (the seasonal management system) could be in a range from 18% (before the COVID-19 outbreak) to 34% (after the COVID-19 outbreak).
o Reduction of PM2.5 in China had a great impact as well; the February lockdown in China and Korea’s strong social distancing in March due to COVID-19 lead to the 30% reduction in NO2 column concentrations in East Asia. Other major polluted areas such as India and cities in Europe also exhibited substantial evidence of improved air quality during spring.
ㅇ Major policy actions of the Korean government
-Since the announcement of the “Comprehensive Policy Measures for PM Mitigation” in November 2019, there has been substantial progress in the development and implementation of government policies.
oThe actions include the “Policy Measures for Seasons with High PM Concentrations (December ~ March)”,and the “Basic Plans for Indoor Air Quality Management (2020).”
o Aims of research
ㅇThe meaning of “integrated management” is to manage all related sectors (or factors) consistently and synthetically, which results in “horizontal integration” for related sectors (or factors) in order to mitigate PM pollution.
ㅇThe objective of this study is to seek current needs in terms of national PM policies and