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Research Reports
International Environmental Cooperation Strategies for Post-COVID Era
Ⅰ. Background and Objective of the Study
1. Background
o The global spread of COVID-19 in 2020 led to environmental, health, and economic crises.
ㅇ The COVID-19 pandemic caused the trilateral crisis of ‘eco-economic oclimate crisis’.
ㅇ A new approach and reflection on the existing development methods that brought about ecological damage and the climate crisis are needed.
2. Objective
o Establishment of an international environmental cooperation strategy in the Post-COVID Era
ㅇ Diagnosis of the current and future impacts and trends of international environmental cooperation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
ㅇ Development of an international environmental cooperation strategy to lead international cooperation in the environmental field in the Post-COVID Era.

Ⅱ. Domestic and International Environmental Issues related to COVID-19
1. The status of COVID-19 outbreaks
o Global trends
ㅇ The number of patients infected with COVID-19 has been continuously increasing, with 47,405,395 cumulative confirmed cases and a total of 1,213,735 cumulative deaths worldwide, as of November 4, 2020.
o Domestic trends
ㅇ As of November 4, a total of 26,925 cases were confirmed and the number of deaths was 474, which shows that the virus is rapidly spreading not only in the metropolitan area but across the nation.
2. COVID-19 and domestic and foreign environmental factors
o Covid-19 quarantine measures and environmental impact factors
ㅇ The first path of environmental impact factors for various preventive activities to prevent the spread COVID-19 pandemic and test-trace-treatment measures named