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Research Reports
Research on a circular economy roadmap by securing the interministerial policy linkages : focusing on the case of electric vehicle batteries
Ⅰ. Introduction
o Circular economy is defined as an economic system that can extract the maximum value from resources and minimize waste by utilizing the recycled materials, in contrast with the existing linear economic system.
o For a transition towards a circular economy, it is important to reduce natural resource usage in production, improve processes to reduce waste generation, design products considering reuse and recycling, and expand the purchase and use of recycled materials.
o In this study, we investigated policies related to the circular economy by ministry (Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Ministry of Science and ICT, etc.) and suggested the improvement, including a policy roadmap for a circular economy focusing on the ‘used electric vehicle battery’.

Ⅱ. A Survey on the Current Status of Circular Economy Policies
1. Status and direction of key policies in the EU circular economy
o Achieving resource efficiency is one of the key initiatives in the Europe 2020 strategy. The European Commission set the long-term goal to promote ‘zero waste’ through the conversion of waste into resources and to encourage reuse and recycling in 2014.
o In 2015, the European Commission developed and presented a detailed action plan through the Circular Economy Package, a comprehensive policy considering the entire life cycle of products.
o As part of the Green Deal, the new circular economy action plan was announced to emphasize sustainable product policies and to encourage the circular design of produc