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Research Reports
Fiscal management direction for the fine dust response budget
Ⅰ. Research Background and Goals
ㅇ In accordance with the prevailing anxiety and attention to the fine dust problem, the national budget related to fine dust has sharply increased in recent years.
※ The Air Quality Program budget:
o until 2015: KRW 200~300 billion
o since 2016: increased by 30~50% every year
o 2019: surpassed KRW 1 trillion
o 2020: over KRW 2.2 trillion
o by 2023: will surpass KRW 4 trillion
ㅇ For the soaring fine dust budget we need to ensure the fiscal performance and efficiency and set a rational direction for fiscal management.
- This research aims to offer insight and advice on the fiscal management of fine dust budget, focusing on the tracking of fiscal performances, the budget allocation in consideration of the effectiveness and efficiency, and the performance management system to ensure the fiscal performance.

Ⅱ. Overview of Fine Dust Policy and Budget
1. Policy Overview
ㅇ The national fine dust policy was reinforced several times since 2016.
- Since oThe Special Plan for Fine Dust Managemento was first enacted in 2016, additional 4 plans and 1 comprehensive plan, and 3 special acts were established in relation to the fine dust response.
- Accordingly the policy goals were repeatedly tightened, in terms of the fine dust concentration in the air, and emission abatement.

2. Budget Overview
o Environmental Budget
ㅇ As the fine dust response budget soared, the total budget in the environmental area also showed a sharp rise.
※ KRW 6~7 trillion (2013~18) ⇒ 7.4 trillion (2019) ⇒ 9 trillion (2020) ⇒ 12.6 trillion (2024, projection)

o Air Qua